The Inter-city bus information from Vlora includes bus station locations, timetables, and fares from Vlora, to other places in Albania.

Detailed Inter-city bus information from Vlora, north to Tirana, south to Sarande as well as Narte.

To get you from Vlora to Tirana and places between.

Credins Bank Bus Station-Beautiful Vlora
Credins Bank Bus Station- Buses To Tirana and Sarande

The Credins Bank Bus Station in Vlora is on Rruga Demokracia, north of the Main Post Office.

The Google Maps location is in the link above.

The buses to Tirana run from 5 AM to 5 PM with a bus leaving every 30 minutes.

Moreover, they run every day including Sundays.

The cost is 600 Lek per person, one way.

The bus stops in Durres on its way to Tirana as well as places in-between, if asked.

To get you from Vlora to Sarande.

Bus Station south in Vlora-Beautiful Vlora
University Bus Station on Rruga Kosova by the University and the Mall

There are two locations where you can get a bus to Sarande.

One is the Credins Bank Bus Station. The other is the University Bus Station.

From the Credins Bank Bus Station, the buses run from 11:30 AM to 4 PM. They leave every 1 ½ hours, every day of the week including Sundays.

The cost per person, one way is 600 lek.

The University Bus Station is located just west of the taxi stand by the mall roundabout, in front of the University, on Rruga Kosova.

The buses to Sarande have a different time schedule than the Credins Bank Bus Station.

The bus only has two departure times to Sarande. It leaves at 7 AM and 8 AM only, every day of the week, including Sunday.

The cost is 600 Lek per person one way.

These buses stop all along the coast including Bora Bora Beach, Radhime, Orikum, and Himare.

To get you from Vlora to Radhime, Orikum, and Himare.

By the University-Beautiful Vlora
University Bus Station- Radhime, Orikum, Himare, and Sarande

The buses to Radhime, Orikum, and Himare leave out of the University Bus Station.

The buses stop at Bora Bora Beach as well as other places along the coastline.

They run from 6:30 AM until 5 PM, leaving every 30 minutes.

In addition, they run every day of the week including Sundays.

Ask the driver for the fare rate.

Bus information from Vlora to Narte along with some villages.

Narte Bus Station-Inter-city bus information from Vlora-Beautiful Vlora
Narte Bus Station

The Narte Bus Station is located west of Ruci Bus Tours on Rruga 8 Marsi on Google maps but on the ground, the street is Rruga Jani Gjoncari.

Click on the link above to see the Google Maps location near the Narte Bus Station.

Street Sign- Beautiful Vlora
Narte Bus Station Street Sign

Following are the bus schedules to and from Narte.

The buses leave from Vlora to Narte at:

7:30 AM

10:10 AM

12:10 PM

2:00 PM

The buses return to Vlora from Narte at:

7:00 AM

8:10 AM

10:45 AM

1:10 PM

The buses run every day including Sundays.

The ticket is 60 Lek one way, per person.

There are four villages served by the Narte Bus Station.

Villages served -Beautiful Vlora
Villages served by Narte Bus Station

They are Llakatund, Babice, Vllahin and Kote.

The above links are the Google Maps locations for the villages.

The buses for Llakatund and Babice run on an hourly schedule from 6 AM to 6 PM daily, including Sundays.

Furthermore, the buses for Vllahin and Kote run on an hourly schedule from 6 AM to 7 PM daily, including Sundays.

Ask the driver for the fare rate.

In case you didn’t know there is an Intra-city Vlora Bus Route Map in the Footer and detailed information in the Vlora City-Bus Public Transport and Vlora City Bus Information posts.

In conclusion, with this information in hand, have a great time checking out the rest of Albania!!

Thank you very much for visiting the Beautiful Vlora website. I hope you find it informational and helpful.

I welcome your questions and suggestions. Please feel free to fill out the Questions/Suggestions Form, below.

Thank you for taking the time to ask or suggest and I will answer you as soon as possible.

Once again, thank you, for visiting the Beautiful Vlora website.


In-depth, current information about the Vlora City Bus-Public Transport in Vlora. Including a bus route map at the bottom of the page.

The City of Vlora provides an intracity public bus system.

The first comprehensive City Bus Map in Vlora is included in the Vlora City Bus-Public Transport System.

I created this Bus Map on Google My Maps.

The Map includes the different bus routes as well as photos of certain bus stops.

I intend to allow Google to put the entire map on Google Maps thus allowing you to use the bus directions-search feature.

Currently, you can use the map, in the footer, to view the different bus routes.

This will allow you to decide where you can get a bus. In addition, where you need to transfer or get off at your destination.

All Vlora city bus routes have a few things in common:

Vlora city bus-Public Transport-Uji Ftohte- Beautiful Vlora
Uji Ftohte Route Sign
Vlora City Bus-Public Transport-Beautiful Vlora
Uji Ftohte Bus Route
Tulla Uji Ftohte-Vlora City Bus-Public Transport-Beautiful Vlora
Tulla Uji Ftohte Route
Hospital Route
Vlora City Bus-Public Transport-Tulla Unaze-Beautiful Vlora
Tulla Unaze Route
Tulla Plazhi i Vjeter Route

Each bus has a route name placard in the front window.

Bus routes are on an hourly loop, running Monday through Sunday while schedules are approximate, depending on traffic conditions.

An attendant collects the one-way 40 Lek fee however, children under 10 are free. However, there are no transfer tickets.

ALL buses stop at the Black Bus Markers on the map.

Let the Bus Driver know if you want to get off at an unscheduled stop.

Additionally, wave the bus down if you want to get on at an undesignated stop.

There are four different routes on the Vlora City Bus-Public Transport System:

Each bus route has a different colored bus marker and each stop shows which buses stop there.

Three buses have the same route:

Vlora City Bus-Public Transport-Uji Ftohte Turnaround-Beautiful Vlora
Uji Ftohte Turnaround by the fountain
Lion Fountain-Beautiful Vlora
Lion Fountain

(Uji Ftohte, Uji I Ftohte and Tulla Uji Ftohte). The Dark Blue Bus Marker designates this route.

This route is from the north end Park by Fredi Pasticeri along Lungomare to the Lion Fountain.

The approximate schedule is 6 AM to 11 PM in the Summer and until 8 PM in the Winter.

About every 20 minutes there is a bus.

The first of the other three routes are:

Cole Spital by Hospital-Vlora City Bus-Public Transport-Beautiful Vlora
Turnaround by Hospital
Bus Stop on Rruga Hasan Kushta

Çole Spital where the Purple Bus Marker designates this route.

This route is from Rruga Hasan Kushta, with a westbound loop, then up to the Mosque and on to the Hospital. Returning via Rruga Tasin Jonuzi back by the Mosque.

The approximate schedule is:

From 6:40 AM to 8 PM in the Summer and to 6 PM in the Winter.

Arriving at Rruga Hasan Kushta at 20 after the hour and the Hospital at the top of the hour.

The second of the other three routes are:

Mall Roundabout Stop-Beautiful Vlora
Mall Roundabout Stops
Turnaround on Rruga Damian Humariti

Tulla Unaze where the Pink/Orange Bus Marker designates the route.

This route is from the HP Hotel, by the mall roundabout, to the north and west of town back via the east of town by the Kanina Fountain.

The approximate schedule is:

From 7 AM to 2:30 PM(The last bus leaves town at about 2:20 PM).

Arriving at the HP Hotel- 10 after the hour and the turn-off to Narte- 40 after the hour.

The final route of the other three routes is:

Bus stop by Northend Park-Beautiful Vlora
Bus Stop by Fredi Pasticeri and North End Park
Vlora City Bus-Public Transport-Plazhi i Vjeter turnaround-Beautiful Vlora
Rruga Sazani near Technoplastic

Tulla Plazhi I Vjeter where the Green Bus Marker designates the route.

This route is from the North End Park by Fredi Pasticeri through town. West on Rruga Kosova and Rruga Sazani to Technoplastic. Then it turns around and comes back.

The approximate schedule is:

From 6:30 AM until 7:00 PM.

It arrives at the Rruga Kosova bus stop about 40 after the hour and Technoplastic about 50 after the hour.

In conclusion, the Vlora City Bus-Public Transport is an effective method of travel within Vlora. Check out the Bus Map and see if it helps you travel around Vlora a little easier.

For more Bus information see my other post Here.

Thank you very much for visiting the Beautiful Vlora website. I hope you find it informational and helpful.

I welcome your questions and suggestions. Please feel free to fill out the Questions/Suggestions Form, below.

Thank you for taking the time to ask or suggest and I will answer you as soon as possible.

Once again, thank you, for visiting the Beautiful Vlora website.