The Vlora Public Springs and Fountains are a great place to get safe, clean, free water.

The three locations are the Kanine Spring Fountain, Uji Ftohte Lion Fountain and the Fresh Water Spring at the Tunnel. All of their locations are marked on the map in the footer. Bring a bottle for a fresh taste test!

Kanine Spring Fountain-Beautiful Vlora
The Kanine Spring Fountain-Vlora
Kanine Spring Fountain- 100 Years

The Kanine Spring Fountain

     The Kanine Spring Fountain is from a natural spring, with water that is clear, clean and tastes great! As it says on the fountain, “Kanin 100 Vjetori” which means Kanine 100th anniversary, so it has been there for over 100 years!

Kanine Spring Fountain itself has very distinct features. Within an arched stone frame, against a wall are etched an eagle and the words “Kanin 100 Vjetori”.

In the middle, a small bowl holds the water poured from the spring, which overflows into a stone basin.

Within the basin is a square stone to set your bottle on, for filling.

It has a nice stone seating area, a great place for contemplation, while you wait.

The fountain is located, just before the entrance to Kanine road, which leads to Kanina Castle. At the confluence of  Rruga Unaza (SH8) and Rruga Zenel Murra.

Adjacent to the fountain is the Tulla Unaze bus stop, heading into Vlora.

Whether you are heading to the Kanina Castle or just out and about, get yourself some freshwater!!

Uji Ftohte Lion Fountain-Beautiful Vlora
Uji Ftohte Lion Fountain-Vlora

Uji Ftohte Lion Fountain

The Uji Ftohte Lion Fountain, with water sourced from the city water supply, is safe, cold, clean and great tasting water.

A regal lion stands on a rock outcropping, with water coming from its mouth and two places below it. The water flows into a basin where you can set your bottles, to fill them. In addition, the fountain runs continuously.

It is located in a small park, on a median between Rruga Dhimitër Konomi and Rruga Aleksandër Moisiu.

The Uji Ftohte buses turn around at the fountain and stop before they go back into town.

Furthermore, the beach is across the street, with a row of ball courts, comprised of Basketball and Tennis Courts. It looks like you bring your own balls and racquets if you want to play.

The Uji Ftohte Lion Fountain is a great place to quench your thirst after playing in the sand or on the court!!

Fresh Water Spring at the Tunnel
Fresh Water Spring at the Tunnel-Beautiful Vlora
Fresh Water Spring Pool

Fresh Water Spring at the Tunnel

The Fresh Water Spring at the Tunnel is a great place to stop and get a refill while you are hiking or enjoying the Bay of Vlora.

This spring comes out of a rock face under the Tunnel, which goes to Radhimë. Since the Tunnel is ancient, if I were to guess, the spring is also.

The water is very cold, clear and clean. It runs out of the rocks and then into Vlora Bay. On the bayside of the tunnel, go down the steps and at the bottom, there is a shallow cave in the rocks, on the left. Inside the cave is a small, natural pool, where people collect the water. There is no piped water so you have to dip into the pool.

In the summer this is a great place to get a refreshing, cold drink of water.

In conclusion, whether you need free drinking water for your home or you are hiking, you have three Vlora public springs and fountains to choose from.

On a personal note, I am the kind of person who gets sick, immediately from drinking or eating anything that is contaminated. I have drunk this water and had no ill effects.

In addition, we can reduce, reuse and recycle all of the plastic water containers that we buy, by refilling them at one of these three great fountains.

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