Using the Vlora City Bus Information makes Public Transport in Vlora Albania, easy and inexpensive.
With Vlora city bus information, a bus map and the details of each route, we have you covered!!
Vlora city bus routes have a few things in common:
- Each bus has a route name placard in the front window.
- Bus routes are on an hourly loop, running Monday through Sunday while schedules are approximate, depending on traffic conditions.
- An attendant collects the one-way 40 Lek fee however, children under 10 are free.
- The Black bus markers, on the map, are where ALL buses stop.
- Each bus route has a different colored bus marker and each stop shows which buses stop there.
- There are four different routes- three buses have the same route (Uji Ftohte, Uji I Ftohte, and Tulla Uji Ftohte). The other three bus routes are Çole Spital, Tulla Unaze and Tulla Plazhi I Vjeter.
- From the north end Park, by Fredi Pasticeri, through town to the roundabout by the Mall, there is a bus every 20 minutes, only on Uji Ftohte, Uji I Ftohte, and Tulla Uji Ftohte.
- Let the Bus Driver know if you want to get off at an unscheduled stop.
The, Uji Ftohte, Tulla Uji Ftohte and Uji I Ftohte, buses all have the same route, from the Park by Fredi Pasticeri to the Uji Ftohte Lion Fountain. The blue bus marks their route on the map.
- They come every 20 minutes.
- Beginning at the Park by Fredi Pasticeri, on the north end of town
- Heading south and passing the Muradie Mosque
- Through town and south along the Lungomare beach area, to the small park with the Uji Ftohte Lion Fountain and then back again
The, Plazhi I Vjeter, bus route takes you to the West beach area of Vlora. It has a green bus marker on the map.
- It picks up at the Rruga Kosova bus stop by the Mall at about 40 after the hour.
- The bus goes west on Rruga Kosova across the road to Rruga Sazani and turns right just past the Post Office on to Rruga Andrea Varfi.
- Turns left on to Rruga Rrapo Meto and back to Rruga Sazani and turns right heading north.
- Passing Rruga Damian Humariti and turning around near the Technoplastic Company. Arrives about 10 till the hour and leaves shortly thereafter.
- Normally the bus will go back the way it came but if it is behind schedule it may just go all the way down Rruga Sazani into town.
- Once it gets back on Rruga Kosova it turns north and goes up through town past the Muradie Mosque.
- Up to the Park by the Fredi Pasticeri and back south through town to the Mall.
The, Çole Spital, bus route takes you to the west part of Vlora and then north and east to the Regional Hospital. The purple bus marks their route on the map.
- This bus leaves the Regional Hospital turnaround on the hour. It arrives back to the Muradie Mosque heading south about 10 past the hour. Turns onto Rruga Hasan Kushta about 20 after the hour.
- Heading west on Rruga Hasan Kushta by Biondi Caffe and Intersig Insurance on the corner of Boulevard Ismail Qemali and Rruga Hasan Kushta it goes through the roundabout on to Rruga Zoha Koka.
- Then right onto Rruga Mis Durhan at the “T”
- Turns right on to Rruga Enver Joho and right again on to Rruga Osman Haxhiu
- Then left back on to Rruga Zoha Koka, through the roundabout and back on to Rruga Hasan Kushta.
- It turns left on to Boulevard Ismail Qemali and heads north past the Muradie Mosque and Liberty Monument.
- Turning right on to Rruga Perlat Rexhipi, continuing east towards the Regional Hospital.
- After stopping at the Regional Hospital it turns around at Rruga Mitaq Sallata and Rruga Halim Xhelo.
- They clean the bus and return the way they came until they turn right on to Rruga Demokracia from Rruga Perlat Rexhipi.
- Shortly thereafter, turning left onto Rruga Tasin Jonuzi and another left on to Rruga Ate Kristo Negovani.
- Continuing to the Muradie Mosque and back down to Rruga Hasan Kushta.
The Tulla Unaze bus goes to the Northwest side of Vlora as well as the East side by the Kanine Spring Fountain. It has a Red/Pink bus route marker on the map.
- This bus is usually at the Bold Bistro bus stop around 20 after the hour and at the Nartë turn-off, on Rruga Damian Humariti, around 40 after the hour. It takes about 10 minutes to turn around and comes back on Rruga Damian Humariti to the Nartë turn-off. The last bus is around 2:30 PM from downtown. The bus runs Monday through Sunday.
- The Tulla Unaze bus picks up by the Partner Hotel and goes north, through town past the Muradie Mosque.
- Stops near the Park by Fredi Pasticeri, on the north end of town and continues north to the Enes Ai Market, on Rruga Demokracia.
- Turns west and goes through the roundabout, stopping by the turn-off to Nartë.
- Continues to the turnaround point on Rruga Damian Humariti.
- Returns the same way stopping by the Park by Fredi Pasticeri, on the north end of town
- Heads south past the Muradie Mosque and turns southeast by the Avni Rustemi statue onto Rruga Sulejman Delvina
- Goes around to Rruga Zenel Murra, with a stop by the Kanine Spring Fountain, then right onto Rruga Pelivan Leskaj and back to the roundabout by Hotel Partner and the Mall by
In conclusion, the Vlora City Bus Information makes it easy to get about Vlora, by bus while using the interactive Google Map.
I hope you have as much fun traveling around Vlora as I had in making the map!
If you would prefer other transportation options check out Taxi Services in Vlora Albania and Albanian VIP Transport: The Best Ever!
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